Low-Cost Vet Care
Philadelphia and its surrounding areas have transformed into a hub for low-cost and affordable pet care, you just have to know where to look! Below is a list of resources to help ensure families can get their beloved pets the care they need, especially during hard times.

Locations Within Philadelphia
PAWS, Grays Ferry
2900 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Ph: 215-298-9680
Email: gfclinic@phillypaws.org
PAWS, Northeast
1810 Grant Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115
Ph: 215-545-9600
Email: neclinic@phillypaws.org
Pennsylvania SPCA
350 E. Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Ph: 215-426-6300
Email: veterinaryhospital@pspca.org
Dutton Road Vet Clinic
10901 Dutton Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154
Ph: 215-331-2968
Email: clinic@ngap.org
Locations Nearby Philadelphia
The Spayed Club
800 Chester Pike, Sharon Hill, PA 19079
Ph: 484-540-8436
Email: info@thespayedclub.org
The Bridge Clinic
2820 Old Lincoln Highway, Suite 1A, Trevose, PA 18966
Ph: 215-639-3333
Email: ​info@thebridgeclinic.org
Emeka's Fund, End-of-Life Financial Assistance
Philadelphia, PA
Ph: 267-630-1139
Email: emekasfund1@comcast.net
Sam's Hope
901A E. Willow Grove Ave., Wyndmoor, PA 19038
Ph: 267-753-0510
Email: samshope.org@gmail.com
Our Last Hour, End-of-Life Financial Assistance (Delaware County Only)
Delaware County, PA
Specialty & Vet Care Financial Assistance
Don't forget to register your microchip - FOR FREE!
Collars fall off, tags wear over time. Microchipping our pets provides us with an inexpensive permanent method of identification. Have your pet microchipped at one of the clinics above and register him for FREE through FoundAnimals.org​.