February is nationally recognized as “Spay/Neuter Awareness Month” while the last week of February is considered "Spay/Neuter Awareness Week". The purpose is to encourage people to have their pets altered before the spring and summer months when there is a rampant overproduction of puppies and kittens. During that time most animal shelters experience an unmanageable increase in animal intake, including right here in Philadelphia!
There are a number of ways to celebrate World Spay Day right here in our own city! To start, Philadelphia has transformed into a hub of low-cost spay/neuter resources. Its easy to educate your friends, family members and neighbors of the spay/neuter options available in your area. Citizens for a No-Kill Philadelphia outlines these options on their Community Pet Help Desk site.
Locations within Philadelphia:
PAWS, Grays Ferry
2900 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Ph: 215-298-9680 Email: gfclinic@phillypaws.org
PAWS, Northeast
1810 Grant Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115
Ph: 215-545-9600 Email: neclinic@phillypaws.org
Pennsylvania SPCA
350 E. Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Ph: 215-426-6300
Email: veterinaryhospital@pspca.org
575 Adams Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Ph: 267-774-4901
Dutton Road Vet Clinic
10901 Dutton Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154
Ph: 215-331-2968
Email: clinic@ngap.org
Morris Animal Refuge's Spay/Neuter Voucher Program
1242 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Ph: 215-735-9570
Email: info@morrisanimalrefuge.org
Friend of Animals's Spay/Neuter Voucher Program
Ph: 1-800-321-7387
ACCT Philly, Philly's own animal control shelter is offering half-priced adoption fees today in honor of World Spay Day. Included in all adoptions is spay/neuter, vaccinations, flea treatment, de-worming, and microchipping! Browse just some of ACCT Philly's adoptable pets here. But be sure to stop by the shelter to see new animals not yet listed!
The city of Philadelphia is estimated to have around 60,000 free-roaming cats. ACCT Philly's Community Cats Program aims to connect people who are helping out or interested in helping out with TNR efforts and help streamline the TNR processes.
If you need trapping assistance, please contact ACCT Philly at communitycats@acctphilly.org. Interested in learning more? Please check out their informational packet for all things Community Cats here!
TNR Clinics in Philadelphia also include:
Citizens for a No-Kill Philadelphia is dedicated to helping decrease euthanasia at our crowded, open-admission animal control shelter, ACCT Philly. The most effective way to decrease euthanasia at shelters is to decrease the number of animals entering those shelters in the first place!
Through it's Community Pet Help Desk, which now resides within the walls of ACCT Philly and acts as a safety net for families in need, CNKP helps pets stay at home with their beloved families. There are a number of ways to help CNKP further its surrender-prevention efforts:
1. Donate to our monthly Community Pet Food Pantry via our Amazon Wishlist. We are especially in need of kitty litter at this time!
2. Donate to CNKP monetarily to help cover the cost of our monthly storage, transport and operational fees! 100% of donations to CNKP are tax-deductible.
3. Hold your own donation drive for our Community Pet Help Desk families at your school, office or business! We are always in need of the basics: dry dog food, wet/dry cat food, kitty litter, training treats, leashes, collars, harnesses (all sizes), pee pads. Email us at info@phillynokill.org to arrange pickup.
Learn more about Citizens for a No-Kill Philadelphia here.